PVD 코팅 스테인리스 스틸 코일

PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) coating is an advanced surface treatment technology that transforms solid materials into vapor to create a thin film on metal surfaces, such as stainless steel. This process significantly enhances color durability, wear resistance, environmental friendliness, and aesthetics.


PVD-coated stainless steel is widely used in architecture, consumer goods, automotive, and healthcare industries.

Why Choose PVD Coated Stainless Steel Coil?

  • Uniform Color: Full coil PVD coating ensures consistent color, ideal for applications requiring visual harmony, like architectural panels.
  • Flexible Customization: Full coil processing allows for easy sheet size adjustments to fit various design patterns.
  • Cost Efficiency: Continuous coil processing lowers unit costs, making it an economical solution for large projects.

Why Choose Sanmei Metal as Your PVD Coated Stainless Steel Coil Supplier?

  • Industry Leadership: Sanmei Metal Backed by Hongwang, a leading name in China's PVD coated stainless steel industry.

  • Superior Durability: Our PVD Coated coils exceed industry standards, with wear resistance up to 1000 cycles per 10N.(General industrial standard is 500 cycles/10n)

  • Flexible MOQ: No MOQ restrictions—whether one pvd coated stainless steel coil or bulk, we fulfill your needs.

In addition to color coatings, we offer custom coil finishes such as Hairline, Mirror, Matte, and more. Our decorative stainless steel sheet can also be customized with unique patterns to meet your specific design needs.

pvd bruhsed stainless steel coil

Available Sizes and Grades for PVD Coated Stainless Steel Coil







Mill Finish



Width: mm




1240 (Hot)





















Guidance to Choose a Right Size for Your Decorative SS Sheets.

  1. 구매하기 전에 과부하를 피하기 위해 완성된 장식용 시트의 전체 무게와 적용 영역의 하중 지지 용량을 예상해야 합니다.

  2. 장식용 시트는 주로 미적 목적으로 사용되므로 더 얇은 두께로 충분하여 비용을 절감할 뿐만 아니라 요구 사항도 충족합니다. 실내 또는 실외 사용 여부에 관계없이 스테인리스 스틸 장식용 시트의 이상적인 두께 범위는 0.5mm에서 2.0mm 사이입니다.
  • 0.5mm보다 얇은 시트는 너무 취약하여 취급 및 제조 중에 쉽게 손상될 수 있습니다.
  • 2.0mm보다 두꺼운 시트는 가공하기 어렵고 실제 응용 분야에 사용하기도 어렵습니다.
stainless steel measurement standard

Color Options for Sanmei PVD Coated Stainless Steel Coil

Wide Color Range: Choose from 10+ premium colors like Navy Blue, Rose Gold, Titanium Gold, and more, for more samples, please contact us.
Tilox Black 
Sierra Blue
Luxury Gold
Bronze Red
Sierra Blue
Violet Purple 
Gray Steel
Costum Your Color

    Oreder a Sample

    FAQ about PVD Stainless Steel

    Is PVD the best coating?

    PVD coating is excellent in many situations, but for applications requiring thick layers or extreme high-temperature resistance, alternative solutions are recommended.

    Is PVD stainless steel safe?

    It is completely safe. The material is non-toxic, and the production process is clean, complying with international safety standards.

    Is PVD coating expensive?

    Thanks to technological advancements, the production cycle of PVD-coated stainless steel is now shorter, costs are lower, and it offers great value for money.

    PVD Finish. Water Plating Finish, which is better?

    While both are used for coloring stainless steel sheets, PVD-coated sheets offer longer-lasting colors and better quality. However, water-plated stainless steel sheets provide more vivid colors and are more cost-effective, making them a good choice for budget-conscious customers.

    Why Choose Sanmei Metal?

    Decorative Finishes for Your Stainless Steel Sheet

    Sanmei Metal can provide decorative stainless steel sheets, including 8K, Hairline, Stamped, PVD color coating, Antique, Anti-Finger Print, Laminatd, Emboss ect.

    Explore Your Patterns
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    Powerful Backups
    TOP RESOURCE in China
    1v1 Service

    The entire process is handled by a dedicated person to reduce information gaps and time during handovers.

    Complete Special Metal Processing Service
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    • 표면 연마
    • Tension Leveling
    • Various Fabrication Services

    장식용 스테인리스 스틸 시트를 위한 더 많은 패턴 탐색

    스테인리스 스틸 시트는 실내든 실외든 다양한 환경에서 사용할 수 있으며, 어디에 있든 항상 아름답게 보입니다. 매끄러운 표면을 선호하든 질감이 더 있는 느낌을 선호하든, 여러분에게 어울리는 장식용 스테인리스 스틸 시트가 있습니다.


    중국 광둥성 포산시 순더구 러총진 위허로 142호, 창작센터 611호실. 528300



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