430 Edelstahlspule und -blech

430 stainless steel is a cost-effective, corrosion-resistant ferritic stainless steel, widely used in kitchen appliances, architectural elements, and other applications. However, 430 grade has relatively high carbon content and lacks stabilizing elements, resulting in poorer weldability. It requires post-weld heat treatment to restore corrosion resistance and ductility. For stainless steel welding applications, more stable grades such as 439 and 441 should be considered.

430 Stainless Steel Coil and Sheet Basic Information

Sanmei Metal Stainless Steel inventory includes grade 430 in coil and sheet.

430 is equivalent to

  • AISI: 430
  • JIS: SUS430
  • EN: 1.4016
  • DIN: X6Cr17

430 Stainless Steel Processing

Corrosion Resistance of 430 Stainless Steel

Good resistance to mild atmospheric and fresh water environments. Less resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion than 304.

Heat Resistance of 430 Stainless Steel

Resistant to oxidation up to 870°C.

Machinability of 430 Stainless Steel

430 stainless steel has good machinability, similar to mild steel. Use of chip breakers and proper lubrication improves performance.

Welding of 430 Stainless Steel

If welding is required, it is more advisable to replace 430 stainless steel with more stable grades such as 439 or 441 stainless steel, in order to avoid weld cracking and reduce risks and production costs.

Hot Working of 430 Stainless Steel

Hot working should be done at 1500 – 1900°F (816 – 1038°C). Post-work annealing is recommended to retain maximum corrosion resistance.

Annealing of 430 Stainless Steel

Annealing is performed at 1450 – 1650°F (788 – 899°C) followed by slow cooling to prevent brittleness.

Hardening of 430 Stainless Steel

430 stainless steel cannot be hardened by heat treatment. It can be slightly hardened by cold working.

Cold working of 430 Stainless Steel

430 can be cold-worked, but it may become slightly magnetic due to its ferritic structure.


430 Stainless Steel Mechanical Property and Physical Property

Physical Properties for 430 Stainless Steel
Dichte0.278 lb/in³
Elastizitätsmodul29,0 x 10^6 psi
Wärmeausdehnungskoeffizient (68-212°F)5,9 x 10^-6 /°F
Wärmeleitfähigkeit16.2 Btu/ft·hr·°F
Spezifische Wärme0,11 Btu/Pfund·°F
Elektrischer Widerstand24.4 Microohm-in


Mechanical Properties for 430 Stainless Steel
EigentumStreckgrenze, min. (ksi)Zugfestigkeit, min. (ksi)Dehnung, min. (%)Härte, max. (Rb)

430 Stainless Steel Chemical Composition

GradCr (Max)Fe (Max)C (Max)Mn (Maximal)P (Maximal)S (Maximal)Si (Max)



Why Choose 430 Stainless Steel?

430 stainless steel is a cost-effective, corrosion-resistant material commonly used in a wide range of applications, from kitchen appliances to architectural elements.

Gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit

Good resistance to corrosion in mildly corrosive environments, making 430 stainless steel suitable for kitchen utensils and appliances.


430 is more affordable compared to higher-grade stainless steels, providing good performance at a lower cost.

Magnetische Eigenschaften

Unlike austenitic stainless steels, 430 is ferritic and therefore magnetic.


Good formability and ductility, making 430 easy to shape and fabricate.


FAQ about 430 Stainless Steel

Does 430 Stainless Steel Rust?

  • 430 stainless steel can rust if exposed to harsh environmental conditions, such as high humidity or salty air. However, it generally offers good resistance to rust and corrosion in less aggressive environments. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent rust formation.

What about 430 Stainless Steel's Weldability?

430 stainless steel is a common austenitic stainless steel, with the main components being chromium (16-18%) and nickel (0.1-0.5%). However, 430 grade has relatively high carbon content and lacks stabilizing elements, resulting in poorer weldability compared to more stable grades.

Weldability Challenges: Due to the high carbon content and lack of stabilizing elements, 430 stainless steel is prone to developing hot cracks and cold cracks during the welding process. This makes the welding process more challenging and requires careful control of welding parameters.

Degradation of Properties: After welding, the corrosion resistance and ductility of 430 stainless steel will degrade to some extent. Post-weld heat treatment is required to restore these properties.

Oxidation after Welding: Similar to other stainless steels, 430 is prone to forming an oxidation layer on the weld seam after welding, affecting the appearance. Subsequent acid pickling or polishing treatment is required.

Recommended Alternatives: For stainless steel welding applications, more stable grades such as 439 and 441 should be considered, as they have better weldability and maintain their properties better after welding without the need for extensive post-weld heat treatment.

In summary, while 430 stainless steel has good general weldability, its higher carbon content and lack of stabilizing elements result in poorer welding performance compared to other grades. Post-weld heat treatment is required, and for critical welding applications, more weldable grades should be considered.

What is the difference between 410 vs 430 stainless steel?

410 Stainless Steel:

  •  Higher carbon content compared to 430.
  •  Higher hardness and strength, especially when heattreated.
  •  Better wear resistance.
  •  Less corrosion resistant than 430.


430 Stainless Steel:

  •  Lower carbon content.
  •  Better corrosion resistance in nonaggressive environments.
  •  Better formability and ductility.
  •  More costeffective.


410 stainless steel is better suited for applications requiring higher strength and hardness, such as cutlery and tools, while 430 stainless steel is preferred for applications needing better corrosion resistance and formability, such as kitchen appliances and automotive trim.

Is 430 food grade stainless steel?

Yes, 430 stainless steel is considered a food-grade stainless steel.

The key reasons why 430 stainless steel is suitable for food-related applications are:


430 stainless steel contains 16-18% chromium, which provides good corrosion resistance against common food acids and chemicals.
This makes 430 suitable for use in food processing equipment, kitchen appliances, and other food-contact applications.

Sanitary Design:

430 stainless steel has a smooth, non-porous surface that is easy to clean and sanitize.
This helps prevent the buildup of food residues and bacterial growth, meeting the hygiene requirements for food-grade materials.

Mechanical Properties:

430 stainless steel has good mechanical strength, hardness, and durability, allowing it to withstand the rigors of food processing environments.
Temperature Resistance:

430 stainless steel can withstand a wide range of temperatures, from freezing to high heat, making it suitable for various food-related applications.

While 430 is a common food-grade stainless steel, other grades like 304 and 316 are also widely used in the food industry due to their enhanced corrosion resistance and suitability for specific applications. 


  • 430 is food grade stainless steel.
  • Slightly lower corrosion resistance than 304, but lower in price
  • Can be used for non-critical kitchenware and utensils
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Sanmei's 430 Stainless Steel Coil and Shhet Specification

Für Spule

TypBreite (mm)Gewicht (MT)Dicke (mm)
430 Coil1000, 1219, 1240, 1500 oder kundenspezifisch3-100.15-3.0

Für Blätter

TypBreite (mm)Länge (mm)Dicke (mm)
430 Sheets1000, 1219, 1240, 1500 oder kundenspezifisch2000, 2438, 2500, 3000, 30480.3-3.0 

Plenty of Finish Styles for Your Stainless Steel

einschließlich Nr. 1, 2B, BA, Nr. 4, 8K, Haaransatz, Gestempelt, PVD-Farbbeschichtung, Antik, Anti-Fingerabdruck, Laminiert, Prägung usw.
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Edelstahl ist überall

Edelstahl ist in zahlreichen Branchen ein unverzichtbares Material – von der Lebensmittelverarbeitung und medizinischen Geräten bis hin zu Haushaltswaren, dem Bauwesen und industriellen Anwendungen.

Lebensmittelechter Edelstahl

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Household Stainless Steel

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Medizinischer Edelstahl

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Sanitärer Edelstahl

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Konstruktion Edelstahl

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Industrieller Edelstahl

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